The recent change in weather has brought on some great fishing lately. Those willing to put up with some ripping wind (and plenty of rain) on the Yellowstone have been rewarded with several 20+ inch browns. Big fish are looking up (had a big ‘ole brown eat a large thill indicator two nights ago) but a parachute adams, purple haze, or lucent wing dun would be a better match to the hatch. I did see one Hecuba in the air the other night, but no baetis or midges. Steve caught several fish on a royal wulff cripple last night. They say don’t fish black streamers in the fall but that seems to have been our best color so far. The Lamar spiked a bit, but the Yellowstone is still clear in town – usually the silt and mud settles by the time it reaches town (at least around 2,000 CFS). A little less clarity would actually help with the streamer bite as the Yellowstone has been so clear lately.