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July 8, 2011

Yellowstone July Fishing Update

We have been getting quite a few calls and emails about the Yellowstone River oil spill over the past few days.  The spill happened a long way down river from us here in Livingston, just outside of Billings, almost a two drive down river.  The productive areas for trout fishing were not affected at all…

July 4, 2011

Fourth of July Fishing Report

The Spring Creeks continue to be the main attraction in the area with consistent PMD emergences bringing trout to the surface daily.  Sawyer p tails, no hackles, floating nymphs and spinners will cover the hatch well. It looks like the Yellowstone River finally peaked last Thursday/Friday just under 40,000 cfs in Livingston.  Hopefully the hot…

June 27, 2011

Montana Lakes Continue To Fish Well

Those willing to explore the local lakes continue to be handsomely rewarded with some really nice fish.  The area lakes are often overlooked when the big river is fishing.  Now is your time to get out and get a taste of the action! Callibaetis hatches are starting to get thicker on many of the private…

June 25, 2011

Salmonfly Fever Returns!

Salmonflies are coming off strong on the Big Hole now. The main hatch has been just above and below divide, although we saw about 20 big bugs in the air between Fish Trap and Jerry Creek. Also saw tons of PMD’s, a few golden stones, a few sallies, and some tiny black caddis. We got…

June 23, 2011

Armstrong’s Spring Creek Report

It was bright and sunny on the creeks yesterday.  There were a few stray baetis around in the morning.  By 11 am the fish were keyed into the pmd emergence.  I did really well on the bwo short swing emerger and harrops transistional pmd nymph early on.  Once the hatch progressed the fish started keying…

June 21, 2011

June Fishing Options

Salmonflies are officially out on the Lower Madison River.  The water is still high and off color but the fishing along the banks especially sub surface is producing some nice fish. With the high water conditions around the state, the local and private lakes around Livingston have been a great option for our guides and…

June 20, 2011

PMD’s Have Arrived On The Spring Creeks

We have had good reports from Depuy’s with both baetis and PMD hatches coming off.  With the below average spring weather we are having the Blue Winged Olive emergence is still bringing fish to the surface. Carry baetis dries, nymphs and emergers in sizes 20 – 24. The Pale Morning Dun Hatch has just started…

June 19, 2011

Beaverhead River Fishing Report

George made his way to the Beaverhead the past two weekends and found some very good sub-surface fishing. The river from the dam to grasshopper creek is fishing well both from the boat and shore.  They caught several browns up to 22″ on a variety of small midge  and mayfly nymphs using 12 foot leaders…

June 10, 2011

Local and Private Lakes

Gerry Lenzen with a hefty cutbow caught on 6/9  Right now is one the best times to go for a big fish on one of the private lakes we fish.  Burn’s has been fishing very well lately, with callibaetis hatches in the afternoons once things warm up.  Higher elevation lakes have yet to see callibaetis,…

June 6, 2011

Nelsons Spring Creek

6.6  In general, brighter days have tougher with more emphasis on sight nymphing, particularly with midge larva, scuds, sawyer style pt’s…  The recent rain however has brought the baetis back and we’ve been seeing good numbers of baetis and pseudos.  This week looks like overcast and rain, so get out there while the hatches are…

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