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June 1, 2011

Armstrong’s Spring Creek

6.1  The creeks continue to fish well and will be one of the few places to fish with clear water.  Had our first reports of PMD’s on Nelson’s yesterday so it looks like it is now time to start loading up on Pale Morning Dun patterns and less on Baetis.  Midges will still be going…

May 22, 2011

Spring Creeks Fishing Well in May

Livingston Spring Creeks Joe Dorn with one of two nice browns caught at DePuy’s Spring Click here for more pics.  Photos: Guide Doug Mcknight 5.22 Even bright days have even been fishing well (see Joe’s two browns over 20 inches above).  Nymphing with midges pupa, midge larva, scuds, and thin mayfly nymphs has been the ticket. …

May 20, 2011

Yellowstone River: Mud Buggin

3 browns over 20 – not bad for mud buggin!   Photos: James D. 5.20  We’ve had a little drop in CFS over the past day or two, and clarity has improved to at least a few inches.  Below the Shield’s there is no vis.   With this change in weather the Yellowstone is festering, so…

May 16, 2011

Yellowstone Is Blown

5.16  Almost 10 Grand, the Yellowstone is blown. Our guess is we’ll have decent streamer clarity (10,000 CFS) around mid to late July with “green is good” right behind it (8,000 CFS).  For those of you who might be out of state and don’t know, “green is good” is one of the best times to catch…

May 8, 2011

Spring Creeks Fishing Well

5.8  Fished Armstrong’s today.  The light rain all day made your hands cold enough that tying on 6X was a challenge.  Nothing but midges until the afternoon. By 2:00 fish were taking baetis emergers and between 2:45-3:30 duns were thickly scattered on the water with fish happily feeding on them.  There were actually two kinds of…

May 7, 2011

Yellowstone River May Update

5.7  Had a little spike in CFS as of last night and the river is dirty. The Valley has the best visibility which is still only about 6 inches at best.  It was raining this morning with 70% chance of more rain, so caddis are likely off the menu this weekend.  We did see a…

May 4, 2011

Yellowstone River Fishing Report

5.4  The caddis hunt continued after work yesterday.  No signs of caddis at East End except for flipping rocks.  Nothing at Springdale either.  Until the “pop” I’d stick with the town section for the best chance at seeing caddis adults.  Clarity is hanging in there with a solid 2-3 feet of visibility. Billman Creek (in town) and…

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