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Clarity today in town (5/9 at 7:30AM) less than 1" of vis...

The past couple days the river has been rising steadily.  Now the East and West channels on Siebeck Island look equally dirty, (before the West channel was more muddy due to Billman Creek spewing in mud).  It will be a while before we are back looking at the Yellowstone.  Keep an eye on the CFS charts, if the river starts to drop there may be a window of opportunity.  Otherwise we are looking at a long run off.

Clarity today (5/9 at 7:32AM) - West Channel on 9th street island

With 148% snow pack in the upper yellowstone drainage, we are expecting to be floating the Yellowstone sometime in mid-late July.  The truth is we are not sure when the Yellowstone will be fishing well, (meaning 10,000 CFS or less), but late July/early August seems like a safe bet.  Of course in the meantime we will be fishing the Big Hole, Upper and Lower Madison, Jefferson, Missouri, and Bighorn rivers as well as private lakes and spring creeks.

LB with the hold, JB with the catch, JB with the shot...