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Clarity today (4/21 7:40AM) still green, but a bit dirtier than yesterday

The river is still green in town however it is muddy below the Shield’s.  It looks like CFS is starting to creep up and Pine Creek looks a little dirtier than yesterday.  If we have another hot day we could be looking at some mud coming. The Lamar hasn’t spiked yet but it is certainly coming up.  It’s also a little windy over here today.

Today is the Yellowstone River Clean-up!  If you have time to lend a hand meet at 9:30AM at the Civic Center in Sacajawea Park.  If you are running late you can still pick up trash on the river and bring it back to the Civic Center by 2:00.  There will also be a boat clean up station set up to clean your boat after having trash or metal in it.  Thanks in advance to any volunteers!