Looks like we’ll finally have a break from the zebra stripe mud plugs, (mud, clear, mud, clear, mud, clear). Just in time for the weekend, the river is now clear and ready to fish from Gardiner to Big Timber. Lamar Valley forecasts are calling for only 20% chance of rain each night with mostly clear days in the 80’s. The park has been fishing on fire with excellent dry fly fishing on goldenstones, hoppers, ants, and other terrestrials. Really no need for nymphs and streamers but rubberlegs, sally nymphs, various size 16 beadheads, and smaller streamers would crush ’em right now. Outside of the Park the Yellowstone gave up several big browns this week! Normally we catch larger fish in town or below, but this week we heard of at least 4 big browns in the 19-21 inch range (and who knows how many more) caught on streamers and dries between Carbella and Mallards. Also heard of a 27″ fish in and out of the net down low. Seems like the meat eaters are alert right now…