Our clients who enjoy stillwater fishing will be pleased to know that we picked up another pay-to-play lake this year. Since the Yellowstone is still muddy, we decided to check it out. Upon arrival we immediately saw plenty of surface eats on both ends of the lake, as well as couple very large dorsal fins, and two or three exciting “toilet bowl” eats. We saw a ton of scuds in the lake, but upon closer inspection it was clear the fish were on a damsel frenzy. It was fun to see healthy fish working the drop offs and weed lines, inhaling our flies as if they hadn’t eaten in weeks. Slower strips or even hand retrieves worked best for fooling the larger fish. And boy were they HOT – we saw some serious aerial acrobatics (and even some backing). Clearly the fish were in great fighting shape. We didn’t catch anything absolutely enormous, but we heard a 30″ rainbow was caught there earlier this spring. More good news – the lake is fed by a cold spring, which explains why the kamloops fight so hard…