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Town (Sat 8/30)... 3+ feet of vis

The river looks fantastic this morning with good cloud cover and plenty of clarity.  The electric peak webcam is harder to tell, but it looks like there is some mud showing up at the Pine Creek webcam, (just now at 10:57AM).  The mud is likely from 6 mile creek.   Town down is looking good, water temp is about perfect, and their may even be some baetis or fall drakes on the water.  Streamers would be a good way to go for a big fish and and small dries (like Purple Haze, Parachute Adams, Lime trudes) should get you the lion’s share of your fish.  Beadheads and other nymphs are working well but the white fish are on the prowl pretty hard…

Only 20" - but fat...
Clinton Eller with 1 of 27 trout on the dry fly! (8/30) Photo: Hank Bechard