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Russ Ray with the results from a great take on a hopper! Photo: Eric Paulson

Now that the Yellowstone (and it’s tributaries) are closed we spreading our trips out to other areas.  Yellowstone National Park, the upper and lower Madison, the Missouri, as well as public and private lakes are all fishing well right now.  Aside from these options we are also booking  jet boat trips as well carp fishing trips to those who are interested. Give us a call to book a guide… 406-222-7130.

Chase Chapman and Audra Kaprive with a typical YNP native cutthroat.

We received an e-mail press release from Yellowstone National Park stating that “At this time the NPS is not considering expanding the river closure inside Yellowstone National Park.  All waters in the park remain open, however to help prevent the spread of any parasites or other aquatic invasive species, it’s imperative that all visiting anglers and boaters completely clean and disinfect their gear (waders, boots, float tubes, boats) before traveling to the park…”  

“In addition, once anglers are done fishing at a site within Yellowstone National Park, they must remove all mud, sediment, vegetation and other debris from waders and boots before leaving that site and traveling to additional fishing locations within the park. All watercraft entering the park must be inspected by NPS staff prior to being launched. Fishing bait is not allowed in the park, and it’s illegal to transport live fish or move fish or other animals among park waters.”
Jed and Shalib doubled up at a local private lake