We have already had some incredible sight fishing on the springs creeks with PMD nymphs. In a few days we should start seeing dries, and they will be big. The first PMD’s (ephemerella infrequens) are relatively larger than their relatives that will continue to hatch through the summer (ephemerella inermis). The natural infrequens duns will be often be as large as #14 or 16, however we typically fish a size #16 Sparkle Dun, Compara Dun or No Hackle. Luckily we are one of the few shops in the country that carry House of Harrop flies, all of which are shadow box quality and are some of the best flies we’ve found for fooling persnickety trout. Recently we’ve had better luck with PMD nymphs, #16-18 PMD nymphs, midge larva, scuds, short-wing olive emerges, or split-back PMD nymphs. If there’s no wind and you can see the fish actively feeding then fish one fly and watch the fish “white mouth” your fly, (open and close it’s mouth your the fly). In conditions were it’s too difficult to see the fish (either too windy or they are too deep) try nymphing under a VERY small indicator or use a #16 PMD dry as your indicator. On 6/15 rod fees will go up to $125 a day, so take advantage of some great fishing before rates go up. If you need help booking a day, or would like to fish with a guide give us a call. 406-222-7130.