We have seen some midges on the spring creeks this week, and although bugs were somewhat sparse we did see a lot of fish paying attention. We observed larger fish white mouthing nymphs and actively searching for emerging midges in deep runs and buckets. The most effective patterns have been Griffith’s Gnat, CDC Hanging Midge, CDC Trans. Midge, Zebra Midge, Miracle Nymph, Scuds, and Mini-San Juans. The bright sun can be brutal on your approach and presentations; so cloudy days are still the best bet. As most of you know the wind in Livingston can make fishing difficult, give us a call before you come and we can let you know if it is howlin’ (406) 222-7130. You’ll likely have the creek to yourself and the fishing should be really good. A few rainbows are already in, starting to set up shop although most of the action will take place mid-March to late April. Be sure to avoid stepping on the redds (spawning beds).