Quite a few folks have been out and about with the warmer temperatures we’ve been experiencing. Sometimes wind can be an issue but we’ve also had some relatively calm days with clouds and air temp in the mid 50’s. We haven’t check the Stone’s water temp in town but Chase Chapman checked it for us at Point of Rocks and it was 49 degrees. It was so warm over the weekend that some of the lower elevation snow melted and the Shield’s river was pure mud, making the lower section murky. Midges have been the hatch for both the Stone and the creeks. A $3 dip or zebra midge have been hard to beat on the stone, although some anglers have been sticking with streamers and going for a big brown. On the creeks all types of midge larva have been working well. Give us a call before you head over for a wind or clarity report. 406-222-7130.