5.8 Fished Armstrong’s today. The light rain all day made your hands cold enough that tying on 6X was a challenge. Nothing but midges until the afternoon. By 2:00 fish were taking baetis emergers and between 2:45-3:30 duns were thickly scattered on the water with fish happily feeding on them. There were actually two kinds of baetis coming off – the normal size 18-20 gray body color baetis, but also a lighter bodied blue wing olive in a size 20. The fish didn’t seem too picky as to which baetis they were keying in on, a gray Harrop’s Baetis Sparkle Dun was our best dry. For nymphs a gray Sparkle Scud and a Miracle Nymph were seeing a lot of action.
5.2 Lots of fish still in DePuy’s right now. Nelson’s has had some great dry fly fishing when the baetis come off. Armstrong’s is fishing as well as usual. The baetis come off between 10:00 – 4:00, whenever the best conditions of for an emergence occur. If the clouds roll in, keep your eyes peeled for risers. The creeks are one of your best shots to land that beautiful 20 inch trout you’ve been needing so bad! Even better, you can catch it on a dry! Take advantage of the creeks before the rod fees go up to $100 June