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Nothing sweeter than a repeater! Paul Bloch with a surprising late May brown caught on 5/30!
Matt Carara with a nice after work brownie... Photo: Josh Edwards

Normally this time of year the Yellowstone is completely unfishable, flowing somewhere between 10,000 – 20,000 CFS, with absolutely zero visibility.  The last few days however have been a different story.  The Yellowstone has been running with CFS flows under 10,000, (currently at 7,730 CFS), with over a foot or more of visibility.  The reason for this has been all the clouds and colder weather we’ve been having over the last 2-3 weeks.  Of course the question everyone is wondering now is how long will the “green is good” visibility last?   And the answer unfortunately, is we’re not sure…  We expect the Yellowstone to be clear enough tomorrow, with possibly of enough visibility to throw streamers into early next week.  Depending on how hot things get (and how much snow gets melted), we could be looking at a very early end of runoff for the Yellowstone.  Snow pack for the Upper Yellowstone drainage is 65% (snow to water equivalent and 94% total precipitation).  Looking at the data, it’s a great possibility that we have one of the most epic Salmonfly hatches in years, with tons of bugs and lower water than usual, thus all the fish won’t be way up in the willows. Whatever the case is, we’ll keep you posted.  As always, give us a call for the latest update on clarity, wind, and what’s working…