Fished the box canyon on the Henry’s Fork last weekend. Salmonflies are done down there, did see a few straggler goldenstones and tons of brown drake spinners. Stopped a few places near Ennis on the Upper Madison to look for bugs but didn’t see any evidence yet. The hatch should be moving through the canyon, around the lake and on the upper this week. The clarity on the lower is slightly discolored, but fish have been eating crayfish and small nymphs regularly. Salmonflies have been sighted on the lower Bighole. Nothing on the Yellowstone yet, (we’ve been seeing some big chocolate caddis on the Yellowstone but the water is still way too muddy to make floating worth while). The creeks are right in between baetis and the start of PMD’s. Most anglers have been sight nymphing the creeks with scuds, baetis nymphs, sawyer style PT’s, and midge larva. On overcast days, a small streamer or spring creek leech have been working well.