It was a tough day out there today. Some of the better results were 4-6 trout per boat but, in general the fishing was on the slow side. Perhaps the fish gorged on big bugs? It finally seems like the clarity has improved enough that a fish could see (and eat) a big dry, but so far the only dry fly fishing has been at or below clear confluences of the Yellowstone. Fishing with streamers or big salmonfly nymphs under a bobber have had the best results so far. The river has finally dropped into that 10,000 CFS range (currently at 10,7000 at Carter’s bridge) and should just get better and better each day as flows drop. Give us a call to book a trip for later this week, things are about to turn on and you won’t want to miss it! 1-406-222-7130
If you are really after a surface eat on a salmonfly dry, the upper Madison is still your best bet. If you are up for some streamer fishing or a little nymphing, the Yellowstone is playing, but the fishing has been difficult, even for veteran guides and anglers. If you do decide to float, make sure the oarsman is confident and can handle sudden current changes and hydraulics. This is not the time to have inexperienced buddies give rowing a try…