September offers an array of fun activities for those who live or vacation in Montana. There’s upland bird hunting, bow hunting, golf, hiking, mountain biking, camping, boating, and of course fly fishing for beautifully colored up browns. We are in prime right now for catching some of the best looking fish you’ll see all year. Rivers are the most popular place we go after browns, but if are in desperate need of some hog tug-therapy, fly fishing a lake is just what the doctor ordered. Although it is late in the season we’re still seeing callibaetis, damsels, dragons, leeches, and tons of scuds. Hoppers also work this time of year on lakes and make good indicators for a scud, damsel nymph, or callibaetis nymph dropper. If you want to set up a memorable day, give us a call! 406-222-7130.