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Clarity in town 5/3, hard to see but not looking great - less than a foot anyway

Looks like some real thick mud is coming from mid Valley…  The Lamar spiked to 2,360, and CFS @ Corwin spiked to nearly 5,000.   CFS @ Carter’s has risen to 4,390 – giving the river and it’s eddies a pretty good “stick hatch.” Cottonwood hatch to follow.   About your only chance would be fishing Carter’s to 89 but even that is going to be a lot of work, throwing big streamers with a slim shot at one or two fish.  Adding to the bad news is a lot of rain in the forecast, which will likely blow out any chance of a good Mother’s day caddis experience.  We’ll let you know if things shape up, for now it’s not likely worth your effort.

Lots of rain in the near future...
Streamer eater... this one ate a white leadeye