Unfortunately the nice browns we were catching two weeks ago are no longer running up the heavy runs or holding along the deeper, undercut banks. The reality is that most the larger browns are either up a tributary, on their redds, or staging somewhere in deeper water near their redds, (usually below them). The good news is that the rainbows and cutthroats are starting to take over the prime runs and riffles. While fingers are always crossed for cloud and less wind, we’ve been seeing rises in the foam even on bright days. A Purple Haze or a purple Parawulff have been the all star dry flies for us although parachute adams are always a great fly this time of year. For nymphs try rubber legs, baetis emergers, two bit hookers, small olive or black buggers dead-drifted buggers… Looks like this week we have lots of clouds in the forecast – should be good for both the streamer bite and the baetis hatch. Dress warm and possibly pick a shorter float than you typically would float in the summer, with slower flows, later starts and 15-20 mph winds, 7 miles is about right for most anglers.