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Dean "the Machine" Poli with 24k of gold... Photo: Logan Brown

Before the effects of rain hit today, the Yellowstone has been on fire!  The browns are clearly looking for streamers now and the weekend’s cold and dark weather gave them a good chance to eat.  Early in the week when it was sunny, we were still catching good numbers of fish, but most were primarily smaller rainbows in the 15″-17″ range.  That all changed with the colder Fall weather and multiple big browns were caught.  Will they continue to eat?  Well, it’s the Stone we’re talking about (and that’s always hard to say) but with any cloud cover around the chances look pretty decent.

Paul Fingersh with a Yellowstone River heavy hitter! Photo: Eric Paulson
Kate McDevitt, turning up the heat - even when it's cold! Photo: Eric Paulson
John Mills with a nice streamer eater. Photo: Bob Bergquist

This is time of year when clients and guides alike are excited to get out and go for big browns.  The stakes are high and it can be very disappointing floating the yellowstone if you don’t get the big one – especially when you know he’s out there!  Our only advice is to stick with it and keep trying, you’re not going to catch the one unless you are out there often.  If you get dealt a bright day, by all means it will make the most sense to nymph (and some pretty big browns have been caught on nymphs this year).  But if you’re mind is set and catching that big brown you will most likely have to commit to the streamer and fish several days to get that perfect day when the stars all align.  Trust your guide to put you on the right stretch of water and listen to his or her advice on where to fish hard and where is a waist of time.  Our favorite Fall spots are often very different than our favorite summer spots and knowing where to focus your effort is a huge advantage.  Give us a call to book a guide, we’ll do our best to get that big brown in your hands! 406-222-7130.

Mrs. McDevitt does it again with back to back big ones! Photo: Eric Paulson
Mr. Ralph McDevitt with a solid brown of his own! Photo: Paul Bloch
Kyle Travis - making this look easy! Photo: Josh Edwards
Aaron McPherson - getting after those big browns!
Pay Day...