The Hoot-owl on the Yellowstone from 89 bridge to Laurel has been lifted due to much cooler water temperatures in August. The cooler water temps have also made fishing better, with some larger fish getting caught this week, many on hoppers! Smaller (#14 – #18) tungsten bead nymph droppers have also caught their fair share of fish recently. Try a caddis, PMD, yellow sally, or nocturnal stone nymph as a dropper. Sculpin patterns have also been catching a few fish and have served well as a good attractor to a nymph dropper as well. Yellowstone National Park has benefitted as well from the cooler temps. Many waters are not on hoot-owl restrictions, (although Slough Creek, Soda Butte, the Lamar below Cache Creek, and the Yellowstone below Tower bridge still remain on hoot-owl). Give us a call to book a trip! 1-406-222-7130.