The Retro series continues the classic design style of Bogdan. RETRO Steelhead/Large Trout is 3 1/2″. RETRO Steelhead/Large Trout 3 1/2” is wider than the Retro TROUT 3 1/4”. It can also used by many Trout Spey or Switch anglers to catch trout in larger rivers.3 1/2” is suitable for 8WT single-handed rods to catch steelhead, salmon or large trout. At the same time, many anglers will choose it on 5WT or 6WT spey rods to chase large trout or summer steelhead.They are non-adjustable clicker reels with strong frames like our salmon reels, lightweight, crisp sound and a drag that won’t let the line overrun. Whether it’s chasing Winter Steelhead or Atlantic Salmon, they are worthy weapons for clicker lovers to have.
- Easy conversion from LHW to RHW