If driving to the Bighorn or the Missouri just aren’t in the cards for you, then you might think about trying one of the smaller creeks or rivers in our area. The Spring Creeks have been fishing well and at least until 6/15 (when the PMD’s show up) they should remain relatively uncrowded. Midges have still been the main staple, as well as blue wings on cloudy afternoons. Scuds and spring creek leeches have also been taking fish when no hatches seem to be coming off. Where the action can be really fun this time of year is when the smaller mountain streams and tributaries come into shape. Many of these are still off color, but fishing a flashy or dark colored streamer can be very effective, especially since the fish haven’t seen many anglers or flies just yet. We did have one good streamer report from the upper Madison last week. That being said, if you are looking for more numbers, you’d be best off making the drive to the Bighorn or Missouri. Be sure to bring your midge and baetis box, as well as your scuds, soft hackles, and streamers… Last but not least local and private lakes are also fishing well. Give us a call if you’d like to get on one.