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October 30, 2012

Spring Creeks

The Spring Creeks have seen quite a bit of traffic lately, especially now that rates are down to $40.  There are definitely some spawning fish in there right now, so be careful where you step.  Even with the cloudy days there hasn’t been much for hatches, some baetis and midges but the fish are more…

October 29, 2012

New Flies…

This time of year fly shops around the country are working on their 2013 pre-season fly orders… compiling inventory figures, crunching order histories, and trying to project which patterns will be hot (or not) next year.  The fun part is getting to see next year’s new flies.  A few “standouts” we’ve seen so far include…

October 23, 2012

Streamer time

Given the right conditions, the Yellowstone has continued to fish well.  Streamer fishing has by far been the most popular technique lately especially if you are after “the one.”  Just about any color you can come up with seems to be working.  The  key seems to be sticking with it and fishing hard all day. …

October 20, 2012

Good wade fishing…

The Yellowstone went through a slight spike the last few days but the CFS is now back down to 1,560.  Water clarity is perfect and the big ones are chasing streamers on cloudy days.  While white or yellow seem to be getting the most attention, black or olive seem to be getting the most eats.  Sunny…

October 17, 2012

Nomad Nets

If you haven’t seen the new nets made by Nomad you should check them out.  They are made out of carbon fiber and a fiberglass composite, making them extremely light and pleasant to handle.  They also float, which is nice if you happen to drop it in the midst of a lake hog photo shoot. …

October 14, 2012

Yellowstone fishing well

The Yellowstone has been fishing very well lately, especially if you like to throw streamers.  The big boys are about as aggressive as can be right now.   As usual, the best days to target a toad are on cloudy, overcast days.  That being said, several large browns have been caught on streamers even on sunny…

October 10, 2012

Miguel’s Monster…

Wow!  Congratulations to the Cory brothers, who both caught the biggest browns of their lives yesterday!  All season Wesley had been racking up good numbers of fish, (and as brothers do), had been teasing his older brother Miguel about his lack of fish to the net.  Looks like Miguel caught up quickly, perhaps all in…

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